's Here's what she wrote me:
"Seriously, I don't know what your deal is, and quite frankly I really don't care. You've done your best to intrude on my entire familiy's lives just because you couldn't stand the fact that your family wasn't what you wanted to believe it was. I think what's best for you is to contact your dad. He's done everything he could to try to maintain and nurish his relationship with you, and you've done everything you could to scorn him as if you were the wife he left. Grow up girl. Get a life. And fix what you can while it's still available to you."
And my response:
"When I got your first response, I wasn't even going to say anything, because I figured that my Dad has been lying about me. But now...look behind you. That's the line and you have just crossed it. So now, I'm going to set your little misinformed self straight. First of all, do not DARE comment on my family. You do not "know all about" me or my mother. If you only knew the real story, you'd be ashamed of yourself for coming at me like that. Shame on you for not having your facts straight before pointing fingers. And you damn sure have it twisted if you think my father is the victim here. Not that it is any of your business, but my father has done NOTHING to heal our relationship. Your Mom, on the other hand has. She continually apologized and tried to compensate for him. I have nothing against your Mom. I hold my father responsible. Oh, and FYI-I have a GREAT life, so you need to check yourself because it sounds like you need to grow up, Little Angry Girl. Take your angst somewhere else, because I am so not having it.
Love,Your Evil Stepsister"
And...her response:
"Are "Are you fucking kidding me??? ME?? Little Angry Girl?? Ummmm... just so you have YOURself in check, who was the one who contacted who here? And the only way that you could is by taking the time to type in my last name in the search bar. Apparently someone has not gotten over their bad decisions, and that person is certainly NOT me.I've never cared to have you in my life, and I am definitely glad that you just solidified my original opinion of you.Be well. But stay the fuck out of my life.
Signed-Someone Who Could Care Less."
"Yeah, you're not angry. I was soooo offbase on that one. Nice mouth by the way. Your, oh no, wait...OUR parents must be so proud. For someone who could care less, you seem to be eagerly awaiting my responses to you. Anyway, I am bored with this, so I won't be replying to you anymore."
Then I forwarded it all to my Dad and her Mom. With this:
"Either she has been misled by you as to what happened between us or she is just crazy. I'm guessing the former. I would suggest that you straighten her out. I do not appreciate her telling me about my relationship with my father. Who does she think she is? You've done everything you can to try to maintain and nourish your relationship with me?!? That's a joke. Her mother has actually really tried, but you haven't put any effort into it. Seriously, how can you live with yourself perpetrating all of these lies? Who are you? I am so offended by this. How do you continue to portray yourself as a victim? It makes me sick. Oh, and you should teach your little stepdaughter how to use spell check, because she comes across as borderline illiterate."
Wow. Isn't my lil' sis darling?!? I know, I are jealous. So...there's my drama for the week. I'll write more later...gotta talk about "Fashion Rocks".
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