Ok...I know, I know...I've been very lax in the blog updating department. Sorry, sorry! And...there is so much to talk about! Let me give you my disclaimer for why I have been neglecting my blog. I have decided to take up some new activities, and by some I mean...TOO MANY! As in...
Working out with a trainer!
So...I've been busy. For reals. And sore. And tired. Ugh! A quick rundown of my activities: I do yoga with Lissy...like it, even though I pulled a muscle in my abs last week.
Tennis with Lissy, too. Loves it! Totally cute clothes...of course I love it! Golf is with Jacob. Golf is super frustrating and I hit the ball...oh, about 40% of the time. I told the pro that if the object of the game was moving grass around I'd be a Superstar! I go to the Y to meet my trainer twice a week...he's a GREAT trainer, and I am NOT an easy client. We box sometimes and I am really feeling that. Who me? Angry? Noooo....LOL!
Ok, that is enough about me. On to the Celebs.

You may not have heard (if you live under a rock), but Michael Jackson died.

Say what you want about his freakish ways, but the man was a musical genius! I have been playing the AOL Radio All Michael Jackson station (Sorry, Alissa!) and he had so many great songs. Did you guys watch the Memorial Service? I was ok until his daughter spoke. Then it was "Cue the waterworks". So sad.Perhaps you can find an article or two on him and his death in the mags this week?
Ok. Now, let's talk about Steve McNair's death.
Poor Steve. He's getting NO LOVE from the media because of all of the MJ hype. But the circumstances of his death are totally bizarre-o! Everyone is trying to figure out what killed MJ. "Good morning. It was drugs. Case closed." But I am trying to figure out the Steve McNair drams. According to reports, he was killed in a murder-suicide by his 20 year old side bitch. Yikes! She shot him 4 (count them...1, 2, 3, 4) times while he slept on the couch. Was that necessary??
Here's a pic of Steve & his "jump off" on vacay from TMZ.comI am reserving judgement until we hear the whole story, but it seems to get shadier and shadier! I am going to go to bed now, Lovies...have a great night! Muah!

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