Now, from an odd couple to a perfect match: Courtney Love and Mickey Rourke are supposedly dating. Who says opposites attract?!? Yikes!
So...are you all getting ready for Valentine's Day? I'm excited! I haven't been in a relationship on Valentine's Day in a very long time, and I am really looking forward to this one. The pressure is on, Ryan! We are going to The Melting Pot for dinner on Saturday with our friends Christie and Mike, so it should be fun. And yummy!
Oh, and speaking of my spiteful little Tao, let me tell you what the little brat did last night. Ryan and I (at Ryan's insistance) got them each a bed. We put Tai Tai's bed on the floor next to my side of our bed and Tao's on Ryan's side. And, they've actually taken to the beds really well...surprisingly well! So, last night Tao walked over to Tai Tai's bed and proceeded to pee a river...as in I've never seen so much pee come out of such a little dog, he must've been saving it up for this occasion. Poor Tai Tai ran up to his bed, looked at Tao, then looked at me as if to say "WTF? That dude just peed on my bed!" And Tao gave him a very smug, self-satisfied look as if to say "Yeah, that's right. I peed on your bed, and Mom is not even going to yell at me because I'm injured. HaHa." Then he goes to his own bed, plops himself down and shoots Tai Tai another dirty look like "My bed is so comfy, you have no bed...Ha Ha!" I just shook my head and threw Tai Tai's bed into the washing machine. Needless to say, Tai Tai slept in bed with me last night. (Sorry, Ryan...it had to be done!)
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