Thursday, February 5, 2009

And This Is Why I Blog...

...because s**t happens to me that doesn't happen to anyone else.  Seriously.  I think the phrase "Only you (insert shaking of head here)" was coined for me.  So...I blog.  Anyhoo...the lastest installment of my life: I was upstairs the other night and I heard my cell phone downstairs just blowing the f**k up.  My default ring tone is "Miss Independant" (Obvs!) and it was like I was listening to that song the radio.  Except it was the same snippet of the song.  Over and over and over again. ("She got her own thing,  that's why I love her, Miss Independent, Won't you come and spend a little time...")
phone is ringing Pictures, Images and Photos
Everyone who would usually be looking for me so frantically A.) has my home number and B.) has their own ring tone.  But if you know me, you know I am totally neurotic, so I had to go downstairs and get the phone.  And...32 voicemails.  32 voicemails?!?  Yup, that's right...32.  Who knew the phone could even hold 32 voicemails?  So, I started playing them back, and they are all hang ups.  So, I'm all "WTF?!?"  I look at the call log, and it's all different numbers.  Ok, that's freakin' random, huh?  The phone starts ringing again, so I answer it.  "Hola!"  I say "You have the wrong number!  Stop calling!"  But it keeps ringing, a different number showing up on the caller ID each time.  Finally, I answer and it's an angsty teen.  I'm like "Helllooo?" And he's all "Um, yeah"  And I'm all "What do you mean um, yeah?!?  You called me!"  And he says "Well, I'm calling for the contest"  Uh-oh.  It's all starting to make sense now.  Me: "Um, what contest?"  Angsty Teen: "Ugh, hold on. (Asks his mom)  The one on Telemundo"  Me: "What was the phone number?"  And...he promptly spits put my cell number.  Me (to myself): "F**k, f**k, f**k!" 
espanol Pictures, Images and Photos
So...I call Lissy and I'm like " think you're having a bad day, huh?"  And between me laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath and my cell phone ringing off the hook, I was barely able to tell her the story.  And she said (all together now) "Only you, Niki.  Only you."  I know, right?  Thetn I call Ryan and tell him.  His response?  "Call Telemundo".  I'm like "Yeah, I would...but their entire f**king website is in Spanish!!"  So after two nights of this and a voicemail that said "I am calling for the "Word of the Day" contest, I was way over it this morning and I admitted defeat and changed my phone number. 
Cinderella Dancing With Her Prince Pictures, Images and Photos
Ryan and I went to dinner with Jacob, Lissy and the boys last weekend.  I had Joshie up on the bench and we were "slow dancing".  Ryan was standing next to us talking to me, so I was distracted.  All of a sudden, I realize that Joshie is running his hand across my chest. 
I'm like "Um, Joshie?  Why are you touching my boobs?" 
Joshie: "Cause....."
Me: "You can't touch my boobs"
Joshie: " can't touch my nipples"
Ryan: "Ok, that's enough with him.  Put the child down.  Gross, gross, gr-ross!"
boobies Pictures, Images and Photos
Oh...guess what!  My honey is moving in with me in 2 weeks.  Wish us luck!
see ya Pictures, Images and Photos
Ok...I'm out of here!