Be sure to wish him a happy, know how we Libras love attention!
Wow! I haven't blogged in a long time. Sorry about that! Lots has been going on...I'll try to sum it all up for you. First, let's talk about Ryan...formerly known as R. I think that I may have actually found a real live nice guy. Shocking, yes?
We've been seeing each other for a little over a month now and it's actually going really well. The only problem is that he lives in Hollywood (Florida, not California...that would REALLY suck!), so we're about 1 1/2 hours apart. It's not the end of the world, but we really only get to see each other on the weekend. And we talk ALL THE TIME on the phone. So...Miss Independant is slowly but surely becoming Miss Co-Dependant. Who would've thought?!?
Meet Ryan...and his dog Tyson...who I am SOOO totally in love with! Aren't they cute?
Ok, on to my lips
...and my new tattoo (not on my lips, mind you).
I decided to get a new tattoo about 2 weeks ago. I had to get my nose re-pierced because I took out the nosering that I had been wearing for like a year...I know, I gross! Anyway, we (me and Melissa) couldn't get it or a new one back in. So...we went to a tattoo parlor for them to put the nosering in, and hey...I'm all about multi-tasking, so why not get another tattoo as well? Sorry, Mommy...she hates all of my ink. So, I got a pink bow on the back of my neck and 3 little stars behind my left ear. (Ryan: "Because you really NEEDED a ribbon and some stars on your body, right? How random is that?!?" Me: "Shut up!") Well, I got a little more than I bargained for, but more on that later. I was supposed to get a permanant implant in my lip on Thursday that just passed. I always get the lip injections, but my body metabolizes them very quickly, and this would be much cheaper in the long run. I was all set. Ryan took me to the surgeon's office, the nurse came out and got me, said "Ok, hugs and kisses goodbye now." I asked her how long I would be, and she said about 2 hours until I would be out of recovery. It was 2 p.m., and like a good boyfriend should, Ryan hadn't eaten anything because I couldn't. (I know...he's awesome!) So, I was all "Go get something to eat." and he was all over it. So, off he went. The nurse takes me into a room and starts having me sign release forms, etc. Then I get to the form that asks about meds that you may have taken within the last 2 weeks. I look up at her and say "Um...I took Excedrin yesterday." She looked at me like "DUMMY!" and said the Doctor would be in to talk to me soon. Oh, great.... Dad is a total douchebag, Seriously. He sent me an email that said "Niki-We need to bury the hatchet. Please email me your contact information. Love, Dad" My first reaction was "Bury the hatchet? Sure. Where would you like it? In your head or your little stepdaughter's?" (Note to self...Always trust your gut) I decided to be an adult and called him. Big mistake. HUGE! He was such a dick. To the point where I was like "Um...why did you contact me? To be mean to me?" We were on the phone for a while during which he blamed me for my "hateful letters" to my Ugly Stepsister.
So, put that in your juice box and suck it...HARD, Daddy Dearest.
Obama responded: "I've got to correct a little bit of Senator McCain's history, not surprisingly. ... In fact, Senator McCain's campaign chairman's firm was a lobbyist on behalf of Fannie Mae, not me." McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has a stake in a Washington lobbying firm that received thousands of dollars a month from Freddie Mac until recently. In one pointed confrontation on foreign policy, Obama bluntly challenged McCain's steadiness. "This is a guy who sang 'bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,' who called for the annihilation of North Korea — that I don't think is an example of speaking softly." (Ohhhhh, burn!) During a discussion of an energy bill McCain offered up a two-word phrase that immediately got a reaction. "You know who voted for it? You might never know. That one," McCain said, pointing at his opponent. ("That one"?!? As in..."those people"?!?)
From To celebrate Lil' Wayne's 26th birthday, rapper Birdman threw him a huge party on Monday in Miami hotspot Mansion nightclub. And what do you give the rapper who has everything?!? A Louis Vuitton briefcase filled with a MILLION dollars in CASH as a gift! Sweet! I'd like a gift like that please!
Ok...gotta go to work...I'll try to write more later...
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