Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Men Suck. Seriously!

OMG...I hate men. Specifically, I hate A. He asked me to be respectful and not talk about him in my blog. That being said, I'm going to rip him a new one here. He's the worst kind of guy. The asshole pretending to be a nice guy. "I would never hurt you", "I want you to let down your guard with me" Oh, sure. How about this red flag. "My sister and her kids live with me, so we have to stay in a hotel when you come to visit. And you can pay for it." Uh-huh. That's right. My friend Lori said "Maybe it's really his WIFE and kids." She could be on to something. Hmmm. Now let's talk about the "you can pay for it" part. Is he kidding? No, really...Is HE FUCKING KIDDING?!? ("you own a can write it off." By the way, that's so not the point, Dumbass.) Okay, let me break this down for you. He thinks I should 1.) PAY someone to watch my dogs 2.) PAY to drive over to the east coast 3.) PAY to stay in a hotel. Gee...are you noticing a pattern here? All for a booty call. Um, NO! I must have seriously had my head up my ass not to see all the warning signs with him. Just more proof that actions are indeed stronger than words, because he SAID all the right things. Oh. I want to tell you about something that he did BEFORE we met. I didn't write about it because I knew he was reading this. But now I don't care if he reads it or not. I was sitting at breakfast with my Mom & my little nephew Joshie. I got a text from A on my Palm (which by the way has a very large screen.) So, I open it's a picture of his dick. On my phone. At the breakfast table. With my Mom. And my nephew. And the waitress standing over me, ready to take my order. GROSS! Hey, Boys. Newsflash. Penises are NOT pretty. In fact, they are kind of ugly. Don't get me wrong, we like what you can do with them, but we are not into staring at pictures of them. Unlike you guys and boobs. So, back to that pic. So not a turn on. Not at all. Yuck. I should have realized right then and there. "Hey, Nik, maybe this is a guy who is just going to be in it for sex!" But, as Lissy says, "For a very smart person, you sure are stupid when it comes to these boys!" Ok, point taken :) I am so sick of these losers, one after the next. "SS,DG" Same shit, Different Guy. I think it's time for a hiatus from men. It's kind of funny, because I am so "Whatever" about this situation with A. I'm a little pissed, but not really sad. He's a total jerk. And note to self: my first instinct yesterday when he was mean to me was to tell him to go fuck himself. ALWAYS trust your instincts! So, A, if you are reading this (And if you are, you're a bigger loser than I think)...FUCK YOU! Again, the more men I meet, the more I like my dogs...and Lifetime. Oh, one other side note since we have been talking about penises. One of these guys (Not A) told me that he "used to be a model. A dick model. Yup, I had a fluffer and everything." A fluffer. Google it, it's a word. I'll be nice and put the definition here for you. [A fluffer is a hired member of the crew of a pornographic movie whose role on the set is to sexually arouse the male participants prior to the filming of scenes requiring erections.] Ok, I'm not gonna lie. I'm intrigued. LOL. Maybe his IS pretty? I'm just saying...