Monday, July 9, 2007

All about A

Good Morning, All! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, but I have been sick. Ugh! I am still slightly delirious from all the Nyquil I took over the weekend, but I digress. Okay. The topic for today is A. I met A on Tuesday night. about butterflies! On his way here, he gave me a pep talk on the phone about how if you don't have butterflies it's not worth it. Did I mention that he always knows the right thing to say? No "open mouth, insert foot" issues for him. So, when he arrives, he looks me up and down and says "You are prettier than in your pictures." Told ya he always knows exactly what to say! As for him...Let's just say A is for Adorable :) My dog Tai Tai never, ever likes men...he growls, he hides, you get the idea. Not with A. Nope. He loved him...a little too much. He humped his arm. Really, Tai Tai?!? neutered, sweet, middle-aged dog humped the man's arm. Thank G*d he took it in stride and just laughed about it. I won't bore you with the details of our evening, LOL. I'll just say that I like him ALOT. I told him before we met "I miss you. I haven't even met you. How can I miss you?" He said "If you think you miss me now, wait until after we spend some time together." He was right. Now, I'm really missing him! He still seems too good to be true, but I'm going to relax and enjoy the ride. Feels like I may have met my match. Sooo...back to me, because after all, it's all about me, right? I lost my voice on Friday. I told Lissy that it was a tragedy. She said "Not so tragic for those around you. Kinda nice, actually." Ok, yeah...I talk alot...I have alot of interesting things to say (LOL)...your point is? I actually got sick on Thursday. You know, the day that I had to drive to Boca and back. After my Mom's surgery, I had to wear a mask to go in to visit her. Not exactly a fashion statement! Ohhhh, speaking of fashion...I snuck into Nordstroms while I was on the east coast. I was like "Hello, Old Friend!" I have a serious problem...I need rehab for my shopping addiction! Anyhoo...back to the loss of my voice. I woke up on Friday with no voice! In it's place was a little squeak. Yuck! I'm sure it had nothing to do with me belting out Air Supply's greatest hits and "Umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh" across Alligator Alley. (Gotta love iTrip!) So, I spent the better part of Friday being told "You sound terrible!" before I finally admitted defeat and went home. I was worthless at work without a voice. I couldn't answer phones or anything. It sucks to be useless...
Well, I have to go take a shower and join the world of the humans again. I have a voice today. Not my voice, mind you, but a voice. I am rockin' a throaty voice today. Phone sex, anyone? I kid, I kid. (Sorry, Mommy!) Seriously, A, Call me...LOL.
P.S. Going to NYC on Wednesday night...Hooray! Can't wait for all the shopping!